Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10:00-4:00
Friday, Saturday: 10:00-5:00
Sunday: 11:00-4:00
Crested Gecko
Sand Boa -"Anery"
Ball Python -Baby Pastel
Red Tail Boa
Pueblan x Nelson Milk Snake
Stripe Knee Tarantula
Curly Hair Tarantula
Madagascar Hissing Cockroach ​​​
​New Reptiles Expected Soon
Please Check Back
Bearded Dragon (Sold-Out)
Leopard Gecko (Sold-Out)
Axolotl (Sold-Out)
Red Iguana (Sold-Out)
Green Iguana (Sold-Out)
Crested Gecko (Sold-Out)
Orange Throat Skink (Sold-Out)
Sand Fire Skink (Sold-Out)
Scorpion (Sold-Out)
Asian House Gecko (Sold-Out)
Anoles (Sold-Out)
Corn Snake (Sold-Out)
King Snake (Sold-Out)
Nile Monitor (Sold-Out)
Savannah Monitor (Sold-Out)
Marble Gecko (Sold-Out)
Golden Cecko (Sold-Out)
Tokay Gecko (Sold-Out)
Pink Toe Tarantula (Sold-Out)
Current Selection:
Updated 12.27
LPOE is known for their wide variety of top quality exotic reptiles. Explore our cold blooded friends from around the world in our Reptile Hut. We carry everything you need to keep a healthy, happy reptile. Bedding, housing, natural decor, food, lighting and vitamins just to name a few.
Need your snake properly probed? We offer this service by appointment only. We also trim Bearded Dragon nails, just give us a call at 704-596-4214.
We are the largest supplier in Charlotte of Feeder Rodents. We carry LIVE Pinky Mice, Fuzzy Mice, Mice, Med. Lg. & Jumbo Rats. We also stock Meal Worms, Super Worms, Sm, Med, & Lg Crickets, Dubia Roaches, Waxworms, Butterworms and Hornworms.
Need FRESH CUT GREENS, we have those too.
R.I.P Hulk
Hulk-Ina, our beloved female Iguana lived a 14 year life full of excitement. She went to many schools and YMCAs, and was always the center of attention in the reptile hut. Her favorite thing was to get fed grapes and apples by hand.